Monday, 23 November 2009

target audience

after studying different magazines, i thought it would be best to now decide on my target audience. the three magazines i have studied seems to be mostly for intellectual people, this can be proved as most of the text inside are more than 3 sylibles long for each word.
i would like to follow in using big terms that young adults would understand as i have now 3 magazines to inspire me.
the genre for my audience, i would like to go with a rock genre. this is because i would have more to speak of and to include in my magazine. this genre is one of the genre's i have mostly studied and has been said that the rock genre is one of the most sold magazines.
since i have tageted my audience around young adults, around the age of 17 -25's, the price can be offered over the price of £2. this would be because that this age, thy would be students or in jobs, being able to afford without having to ask parents for money.

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